Thresholds: Inviting transformation
Inviting Transformation in these transformative times seems like a heavy concept, when we consider what we are releasing — but consider this: what are we making space for when we let go what no longer serves us? Awareness, beauty, pleasure, confidence, whatever it is you are seeking for yourself — whatever stirs you from deep within. That vision you’ve always had for yourself but can’t seem to attain? Step through the threshold. Perhaps it is just a few steps away but you cannot yet see. The door has been closed. Let’s open that door and step through.
In this 7 week journey intensive, we will meet as a group each week, share a little in council, journey together with the live drum and explore different journeys (prompted each week) to bring about deep personal transformation. These groups seem to hold a special collective power in our shared intentions and invite these beautiful energies to coalesce as we support one another with the power of presence. We will explore the concepts of initiation, activations, heart matters like grief and reconciliation, and a few fun journeys as well. This is sure to be a cool flow. IF you haven’t journeyed before, check out this link to learn more, and trust you’ll catch on right away!
This group will be $77 for the full session, you can pay weekly $11 if that’s more convenient. If you are feeling called to this group but money is a struggle, please reach out and talk to me!
Ready to sign up? You can do that here!
Hosted on Zoom
7 Weeks
1 - 2 hours