about amy
Amy is an apprenticed shamanic practitioner, having trained and initiated under two established teachers in the shamanic community for four years. Trained in core shamanism, this practice is non-cultural, meaning it is not specific to one culture, but rather the core aspects of shamanism across the world through out time. Shamanic practitioner is a term adopted by modern shamanic workers to respectfully differentiate between indigenous shaman.
Since emerging from apprenticeship, Amy has developed her role in the online community, hosting well attended workshops, classes and individual sessions. Amy has a passion for teaching and sharing shamanic techniques to others who wish to uncover their authenticity and encourage healing from within.
Amy believes in evolving the concepts of shamanic practice to fit and adapt our modern ailing culture. Moving clients through thresholds of consciousness development, life changes and into grounded spiritual practice are some of the areas Amy specializes in.
While in darkness, the subconscious is left to control your decisions through past wounds and unintegrated experiences. Shamanism helps us bring these aspects of the unseen forward to the light to be transformed. This transitional work allows us to step fully into our power.
My Approach
My approach is centered in the heart: guidance through compassion, gentleness and sovereignty. It is my hope to teach others how to heal themselves, to provide the tools needed to grow spiritually, in deeper connection with ourselves and this Earth.
So often we shy away from our fullness because truly, we are so powerful — but we’ve been playing small. This playing small has been a magnificent experience for our evolution, to see our true grit and what we’re made of.
We often succumb to victim consciousness to see what we are not — and then we can choose to grow beyond. Let’s take it a step further and step into wholeness.