Magnetic Heart Alignment Meditation
These times are increasingly busy, congested and at times, confusing. This world we’ve created seems to become increasingly complex and polarized as we move through monumental Earth changes, social changes, and even cosmic changes (yes, climate change is happening on other planets, too!). That’s the thing about life — the only constant is change. We can expect that changes will happen and it serves us well to flow with and through them, rather than create resistance by clinging to outdated structures and concepts.
Will we choose conscious evolution or subconscious retrograde, appearing to move backwards on the spiral?
This important choice is first individual. A choice we make quietly within — to assess our habits and shed old behaviors, to release outdated mechanism of coping (however skillful or not!) with existence and instead choosing to live this life from a place of intentional creation. What we choose is the idea that life is happening with us and for us, rather than the perception that it is happening to us against our will. When we make this perception shift, we are choosing to interact with the abundant life force available to us both inside of ourselves (our cells!) and this creates ripples around us as well.
The dynamic shifting field that is reality becomes interactive as we flip the script on ourselves from observer to creator, as we move into flow state creation. Is it predictable and controllable? Not really — if we have millions of active participants fluctuating the field with their intention, we are all going to ripple out and impact each other’s experiences. Surprises happen. This is why we choose conscious intention with emotional and spiritual clarity. We continue the sifting and sorting of habits, behaviors, and coping mechanisms to step fully into our true power.
Meeting The Soul.
And what a sublime opportunity it is! We stand face to face in the void with ourselves, looking our true self in the metaphysical eye. What are you doing here? What do you really want? What is the point? Existential abyss aside (we’ve all been there) — we can take this internal, ever-present power to tune into the awareness of it and refine our intentions in the world. Understanding that we can embrace conscious morality as opposed to prescribed dictates from outdated control structures. We can choose moving within interwoven fields of creation between all beings, to choose wellness for ourselves and for others on the many levels we do each day, this creates a different field. Right relationship with all beings means being responsible in your creation. When we meet the soul, we can bring forward the true gifts that we have to offer this world and create positive, meaningful change, starting within and — if all goes well, reflecting those changes to home, family, community, town, state, province, and beyond. Perhaps it is that we’ve been acting as teenagers, rebelling from these control structures in an attempt to remember sovereignty but now we answer a higher calling: the one from within ourselves to grow, shift and expand.
This ripple effect begins within as a small seed. One good decision. One turn down a different path you haven’t taken before.
This week at the Equinox Prep Circle, we meditated much like the meditation I’ve written below — to call in some balancing visualizations and energies to synergize ourselves with the magnet that is the Earth. When we set the intention to stay aligned with the Earth magnet, in its shifts and forms, we find that our movements are smoother and more connected in their feeling. As the field changes we may feel increasing pressure, but we can adapt and move with the times. In this increasingly multipolar experience on Earth; we too can become more deeply connected with the Earth and respond to these changes in the most graceful way possible.
Connecting with your breath: take a few deep cleansing breaths to release the events of the day, the week, the month. Experiences and sensations have been intense and our lives may be supercharged with triggers and learning opportunities, so take these breaths to let that go right now. See it out of your field, given to the Earth, compost.
Taking an intentional, deep cleansing breath to clear the charge within our bodies from those experiences.
With each breath, we feel our roots growing, connecting ever deeper to the core of the Earth, the magnetic heart of this planet. Feeling deeply into this Earth magnet, we feel ourselves being gently, lovingly pulled into magnetic alignment with her shifts as she stretches and moves through this passage.
Our hearts being electromagnetic, we carry them within us and make an offering of love, bringing our hearts closer to the Earth’s heart. Take a moment to allow deeper synchronization, connection, gratitude. Feel into this. Breathe into this. Strength, calm, direction, alignment.
We give gratitude to the great Earth mother for supporting us in each breath, guide us in our alignment in the season to come. May we shift and stretch as you shift and stretch with ease and grace. We call out to the cosmos, to the life giving light of the Sun to provide us with the physical endurance to carry on our missions and to the balancing energy of the moon to cool, guide us through darkness.
We call on our ancestors that support us in this work, may they smile lovingly with us as we navigate these times for our lineage and all lineages.
I hope this meditation is fruitful for you when you feel out of alignment or confused about the energy we find ourselves in these days. When the world starts swirling and you aren’t sure which way to turn, I invite you to turn within. Hear the call of the quiet voice inside your heart — beyond the material, beyond the to-do’s and the incessant chatter of modern life. Tune in to your heart and remember your soul that is housed within.
If you find yourself needing support, please don’t hesitate to reach out.